Thursday, August 20, 2009

Food For Thought

Tonight, I went to see a movie. Julie and Julia.

The night began with me march-dragging my date across the parking lot, because we arrived at the theatre at exactly 9:15, the precise time that the movie began. Because of my incessant speed walking, we made it in with time to spare, (luckily someone started the movie a little late.) I then spent the majority of the movie squealing, curling up my toes and shielding my eyes from the blinding on-screen glory that is Meryl Streep and Amy Adams. I managed to shove down most of the large bag of popcorn I'd bought before the first ten minutes of the film was over, then made Prince Charming go and get me a drink (which I never ended up finishing anyways) and THEN proceeded to feel washed over with feel-good vibes at the lovely screenplay. It might be just me, because I love stories about people finding themselves, but might also just because I love food and this movie contained it. Lots of it. And maybe because I dream of someday being able to cook as well as the other women in my family (my mother and grandmothers are BRILLIANT cooks. And my great-grandmother, too. Goes way back, big food family. The line seems to have stopped when it hit me, however.)

I've had thoughts in my head for the last age about how I'd like to find that something to get me rolling. To give me direction. For Julie, it was a giant cookbook written by her idol, Julia Child, and the action of cooking her way through every single recipe in 365 days. Through creating, making mistakes, eating, and learning, she ends up in the same place at the end of it all, only feeling better about herself and her relationships. Plus she got a book deal. AND a movie deal. Sounds pretty sweet to me (no pun intended.)

Life isn't a storybook, normally. But it's something. And maybe it's about time my something came along to give me the shove I need. I could start painting again. Or writing more often. Or making costumes and jewelry again. There are TONS of things I could do with myself. Just got to get creative, I suppose.

- Bee

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