Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dream a Little Dream of Me...

So here I am at 1:13 in the afternoon, still in pyjamas. It seems like a nice enough day outside, so maybe I'll take the initiative and get out there sometime today. But before I do that, I'm going to write something down that I've deemed important. I had a dream last night, that I do not want to forget.

Dreams. Everybody has them, but not everybody REMEMBERS them. I am one of the lucky ones (maybe not so lucky at the same time, because of the clarity of my nightmares) - that is, I remember each and every dream in crystal clear detail, like it was something in a movie I just watched. It is a very rare occurance when I do not remember my dreams, though it does happen, and generally freaks me out every time it does. Though, I do find I feel more rested when I don't remember my dreams.

My general view on dreams is that they are a reflection of what a person is currently going through with their life at that point in time. Stress, anxiety, sadness, excitement, happiness, wonder... it can all filter through into our dream-selves, and what happens to us while we're asleep. Sometimes, finding that link to our real lives can be a little difficult, but when you do find it, it's time to do a facepalm - Dreams aren't discriminatory when it comes to what they're going to be about. A wink wink.

I am someone who always asks others about their dreams, and isn't generally afraid to spill about my own. So, I'm pretty happy about my boyfriend's decision to work on dream recall. He is now getting into the habit of writing down whatever he remembers as soon as he wakes up, so as to get more accustomed to his dream patterns, and more comfortable with the fact that he actually does have dreams (despite not remembering the way he'd like to.) After his dream recall is up to snuff, he's going to try something that I'd like to figure out a little better too; lucid dreaming. Now, before you freak out, it IS possible to "wake up" still inside a dream and realize that you're dreaming. I've done it a few times before, by accident, and either a) had way too much fun or b) Effed it up because I tried to hard to force it, therefore waking my brain up too much and just coming entirely to my senses for the day. It's difficult to strike a balance. Some suggestions at learning to do it are pausing to do a "reality check" in-dream, meaning attempting to do something that would be impossible anywhere but in a dream. So, putting your hand through a wall, flying, etc. I think that I don't stop to try these while dreaming is because I can't grasp that I'm dreaming very often. I just accept things because they look so real, and are so detailed. I wish I could though; I'd put myself an hour from here, with someone I miss.

If you're interested in reading further on the topic, there are a variety of websites and books available. Like for example, here and here. And here, if you want. And those are only three places to read up on it; there are tons of other resources out there.

If it was always possible to control your dreams, what would you do?


Monday, March 30, 2009

Alright, well...

I have blogs left and right. I decorate them, write a few articles, and often move on because I feel like I can't keep a "flow" going. Blogs should have a flow, you know? A lot of people keep theirs themed: music, technology, love, business - except, with me... I have no theme. My theme is all over the place. Like the time I dropped an entire bucket of water down two flights of stairs (true story.) I'll try and keep this one clean of my moody bits and unecessary complaining, but... we'll see where it ends up. Hopefully not a figurative six feet under like so many of my other online journal-ish things.

SO. I made a pretty header, because I absolutely hate using other peoples' work on my own "personal" pages. So it's not that great, but it's something at least for now. Maybe I'll work on a better one over time, but for now, that's that. Currently trying to figure out how to get a Twitter feed onto this page, because I'm more likely to update that than this. I think. Plus it'd just be kinda cool, having my Twitter there, going "HEY. GET MORE ADDICTED TO ME."

Break time. Be back with something to make you think.


Am I alone when I say this picture makes me happy? I wonder what that cow is thinking.

Jon's Unsure.

24 March, 2009

Coming from just watching one of my favourite tv shows, Jon and Kate Plus 8*, I have a valid question for all you people out there. At the end of the show, which happened to be the season finale... Jon made public the fact that he does not enjoy being recognized everywhere he goes. Having his own show has resulted in a lot of unwanted publicity, complete lack of privacy, and constant scrutinzation from the public, which is causing some extreme frustration on his part, and a reason for them to reconsider going on and producing a season five of their show.

**For those unfamiliar with the Jon and Kate Plus 8 show, which airs on TLC, the series is based on a couple who gave birth to a set of twins, and then when they tried for one more... were blessed with sextuplets. The program follows their daily life with the kids. The house can get downright crazy, I tell you! o.o Having the show provides extra funding for the family, since I'm sure it can be expensive to raise so many children at once. Kate also had to quit her job when the sextuplets were born, so it gives her a way to make money and still be able to stay at home to raise them. The kids have been given opportunities that they most likely would not have had without the show being a part of their lives, as Kate pointed this out during the interview. They can take trips, buy clothes and appliances (laundry is daily, at least four loads a day or something they said,) and the show even helped them to afford a bigger house so there was enough room for the family to live more comfortably.
Anyway, my question is this: If you have an opportunity to have your own television show, do you think it would be worth it, considering the extensive publicity and lack of privacy you would therefore get from then on? Considering all elements - Worth it, or no?


With summer fast approaching, it had to be done. I came across a certain picture today, and absolutely felt the need to say something of it. Now, this picture represents an extreme case, but I really need to know:


I mean, the least a guy could do is wear one his size. And I know I'm very biased about it, but... I really do think speedos naturally compliment men who are fit and take care of themselves... and are professional swimmers in professional swimming pools. To me, there's nothing worse than a speedo that looks like it's being eaten by a big hangy beer belly in the front. Maybe this is because around where I live, these swimsuits are not common at all, and I'm just not used to them. Almost every man swimming around here swims in swim trunks. I know they might be less comfortable, but bleh. I just cannot wrap my mind around the male enthusiasm of the speedo.

If anyone could enlighten me on this, it'd be great. Please? :P
