Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Rant About Remakes

My roommates are sitting in the other room watching LOST, and when one stood up to leave, and another said, “It’s not like a movie, they aren’t going to make it again. (We either watch it now or never.)”

Now, ok. This isn’t about the tv show, despite everyone being so excited about it. So if you’re looking for commentary on LOST, you can go away right now because I’s gots more important thangs to say.

To start: I’m saddened that the quality of movies has dropped low enough for people to be so comfortable with their impermanence that they develop no attachments to them. As though they’re just destined to be redone. What happened to movies being made well, so they retain a classic quality that doesn’t require a re-do every few years?

Besides that, the incredible money-grab that is the sequel machine is another thing that gets to me. We as an audience (though more commonly referred to as mere consumers) do not need sequels and prequels and whatever else for each and every movie that is produced. Let stories have an ending, for God sakes. For example, Cinderella does not need a sequel. I have babysat children that think Cinderella 2 is part of the original fairy tale; they don’t know a world without it. The story was good as it is, and it should be left alone. Anyone who knows me personally is well aware that I have no trouble ranting about how Disney needs to stop introducing hollow additions to these timeless stories. They’ve lasted for hundreds of years, I’m sure they’re doing fine without these loosely-based plot extensions.

On a more grown-up scale, the Saw movies were over for me at number three, it seems a little excessive now. They are the perfect example of low-quality movies making a ton of money through nothing more than low-quality content (torture porn) and an obscene amount of sequels. It seems to me like people are learning to settle for what’s provided, instead of demanding anything more.

Anyway. In my opinion, there should be more focus placed on creating quality movies with original ideas and actual creativity involved. Easier said than done, I know - I don’t claim to be a movie producer or script writer. But I’m growing tired of seeing so many people settle for re-used entertainment and easy-to-stick-to patterns of low mental involvement. Broader horizons need to be able to penetrate further into the consumer community, somehow — Because I’m sick of Hannah Montanna being played again and again in my college common room and taken seriously.
